Success in Two Months:

Executive Secures $300K+ OTE position via Alpha Apex Group

How we helped this Executive land their next role

In a coordinated two-month campaign, Alpha Apex Group masterminded a strategic job search for a high-level executive by contacting nearly 900 contacts across 400+ SaaS and VC firms.

Leveraging a personalized outreach through LinkedIn and email on behalf of the candidate, Alpha Apex was able to start conversations with numerous ideal firms.

This targeted approach led to two lucrative job offers & the candidate taking a role with $300k+ OTE.

Quick Facts:

  • Client: Senior Executive in Revenue Operations

  • Industry Focus: SaaS & Venture Capital

  • Approach: Alpha Apex reached out via a personalized LinkedIn & Email Campaign on behalf of the client to 900 target contacts at 400+ ideal-fit companies.

  • Duration of Search: 2 Months

  • Companies Contacted: 400+

  • Companies Responded: 55

  • Offers Received: 2

    • CRO at 200+ employees Series B Tech Co

    • Head of Sales Engineering at 250+ employee Series B Tech Co

  • Outcome: Offer for over $300k+ OTE

Strategy Breakdown:

  • LinkedIn Campaign: Connection requests followed by detailed introductory messages.

  • Email Campaign: Direct introductions with a call to action for a brief discussion.

  • Result-Focused: Campaign targeted strict qualifications for SaaS size and leadership roles.

The Alpha Apex Edge:

  • Expert Positioning: Emphasized the executive's 13 years of SaaS experience. Improved resume and LinkedIn profile prior to campaign.

  • Selective Targeting: Focused on companies with specific needs for senior rev ops positions.

  • Strategic Follow-Ups: Ensured high response rate and quality leads.

Ready to elevate your career trajectory? Let Alpha Apex Group guide you to your next executive opportunity.

I got offers as CRO and Head of Sales engineering at two tech co’s, all 300k+ OTE.
— Technology Executive

Ready to elevate your career?

Let Alpha Apex guide you to your next Executive Opportunity.